Archives for December, 2016
More With an Old Friend
Thursday, December 29th, 2016
I’ve already posted a few photos from this shoot with an old friend. We did the shoot to mark her 50th birthday. She first modeled for me back in the 1980s and is still a remarkably beautiful woman. She’s also one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. For this shoot we went to a […]
This is the End
Thursday, December 22nd, 2016
I hope you haven’t gotten tired of seeing my photos from the Smokey Mountains. If you have, you won’t have to see them any more after today. This is the last post I’ll be doing from that great shoot. It’s a nice problem to have when a shoot goes so well that you have a […]
More with Lilith and Nadine
Monday, December 19th, 2016
Lilith Noir and Nadine Stevens did a great job finding places to pose around this pretty waterfall. There are almost too many good photos from this day. Such a nice problem to have so many photos to chose from. Still more to come in the next post.
Different Day; Different Model
Friday, December 16th, 2016
On the final day of my shoot in the Smokey Mountains I was joined by a lovely local model, Lilith Noir. We returned to that beautiful little waterfall from the day before to see what else we could shoot there. Nadine Stevens was still with me on this final day and she and Lilith did […]
Yet Another Waterfall in the Smokey Mountains
Monday, December 12th, 2016
When the arrival of other people at Triple Falls ended our shooting there, it did not end our work for that day. We just went to another more out-of-the-way waterfall nearby and continued our work. Stevie Macaroni and Nadine Stevens continued to do fantastic work and we got quite a few more photos at this […]
More Beauty At Triple Falls
Friday, December 9th, 2016
Triple Falls was an almost inexhaustible location. If people hadn’t started showing up I think we could have shot there all day and never run out of ideas. Nadine Stevens and Stevie Macaroni were wonderful, working hard at finding creative poses to work with the amazing scenes. This is the last post I’ll be making […]
More From Triple Falls
Tuesday, December 6th, 2016
We were able to work for several hours at Triple Falls in the early morning before other people started showing up and we had to stop. Stevie Macaroni and Nadine Stevens worked hard and did a lot of great posing to make these photos possible. It was a fine day of shooting in a fantastically beautiful […]
DuPont State Forest
Friday, December 2nd, 2016
The next day of shooting in the Smokey Mountains was with Nadine Stevens and Stevie Macaroni. For this day we went to DuPont State Forest, an amazing place just full of beautiful waterfalls. These photos are all from Triple Falls. I understand that this was the location for some scenes in the Hunger Games movies. […]