Archives for November, 2016
More Fun With Bunny and Nadine
Tuesday, November 29th, 2016
More photos from my day of shooting in the Smokey Mountains with Bunny Luna and Nadine Stevens. It was a great day of shooting. We only went to one location and found several spots there where we could work. And after a hard day of work out in the woods, it was back to the […]
More Models in the Mountains
Saturday, November 26th, 2016
Another day of shooting in the beautiful Smokey Mountains. This day I had “only” two models to work with, Bunny Luna and Nadine Stevens. That was not really a problem, as I hope you’ll be able to see. They are both talented and lovely ladies who fit in quite gracefully in the beautiful mountain streams […]
Behind The Scenes
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016
A good number of the models I work with are also photographers. Sometimes they get referred to as “Modelographers.” I’m not fond of that term. I think it’s often meant as a put-down. I have a lot of respect for the models who also do photography. I’ve found that they frequently are very good photographers. […]
Abundant Beauties
Friday, November 18th, 2016
In addition to working with Melissa Troutt for the first time, I was also blessed with three other models on this shoot in the Smokey Mountains. Nadine Stevens was also with me, along with Stevie Macaroni and another model new to me who turned out to be quite wonderful, Bunny Luna. As you can see, with […]
Troutt in a Mountain Stream
Monday, November 14th, 2016
In May 2015 I was finally feeling better after my health issues. Not completely well, but better. And I got a chance to head down to one of my favorite places on the planet, The Smokey Mountains, and work with some models. I quickly found that hiking was still a bit of a challenge for […]
Columbus Casting
Monday, November 7th, 2016
Something a little different. I took this snap this morning in Columbus, Ohio. That’s Columbus Casting. It’s closed. I hear it will be on the auction block soon. Must be why it’s blue.
Kinsey and Turkey Run
Saturday, November 5th, 2016
In May of last year my friend Dave Swanson came down from his hideaway deep in the woods of Minnesota for the opening of what turned out to be the last juried show at the Kinsey Institute. A change of leadership at Kinsey lead to the elimination of that show and a lot of other […]
2017 Calendars
Tuesday, November 1st, 2016
It’s calendar time. I decided to do only one calendar this year. And I’ve changed the format to make it a little less expensive than my past calendars. It still gets you a baker’s dozen of my best photos reproduced on heavy paper stock that’s 8 1/2×11 inches. You can use the calendar during the […]