Archives for September, 2017
A Show In Vermont
Tuesday, September 19th, 2017
The photo above, featuring four of my favorite models on the rocky coast of Maine, is in the current show, “Multiples,” at the Darkroom Gallery in Essex Junction, Vermont. The artists reception for this show will be this Saturday, September 23. I plan to attend that reception. So, if you are in the Burlington area, […]
Ayn of Ties
Thursday, September 14th, 2017
Back when I still had my studio Ayn wanted to do a shoot with a bunch of ties. What Ayn wants, Ayn gets, as far as I’m concerned. So this is what we came up with. That’s right, folks, Ayn didn’t even get naked for this shoot. I hope you aren’t too disappointed. After we […]
Gallery Show
Saturday, September 9th, 2017
I’ve received word that this photograph of Rachel up in Maine has been chosen for the upcoming show at the South East Center for Photography in Greenville, South Carolina. The show theme is “The Intimate Portrait.” I’m particularly happy about this for a couple reasons. One is that I’ve been wanting to get my work in […]
New Toy
Saturday, September 2nd, 2017
Finally! An Instax Mini camera with a sharp lens and full manual control and focusing. Thanks to I’ll be playing around with this and will report on how it goes.