We Interrupt This Blog…
May 7th, 2011
…for a personal message. I’m in Florida on a family vacation for the magna cum laude graduation of my younger daughter from the University of Tampa. That’s her with her boyfriend in the photo above as she arrived at her seat following the processional.
My other daughter, her husband and my grandson are also with us. I’ll be ending a life-long boycott Monday when I go along with all of them, my ex-wife, who is the mother of my children, and my wife to visit Disney World. Grandfather duties override my general distaste for places like Disney.
To add a minor photo note to this post, that photo above is a crop of a very tiny part of the image area of a shot made with my D7000 and my 80-200 f/2.8 at 6400 ISO. It was dark in that arena. And I was a long, long way away.
Here are my daughter and her nephew:
And finally a shot of the graduate with her fossil of a father. Both these photos were taken with the Canon S90. My wife did the shot with me in it.
In the next post I’ll return to our regularly scheduled naked chicks on rocks. But every once in a while it’s important to mark the major events of real life. I’m a very proud father. And I’m loving my role as “paw-paw” with my grandson.
7 Responses to “We Interrupt This Blog…”
May 7th, 2011 @ 11:43 pm
Congratulations are in order. And my sympathy for your visiting Disney. Isn’t it amazing what we will happily do for our kids and grandkids. Especially grandkids.
May 8th, 2011 @ 1:28 am
Huge congrats to your daughter. You look very much the proud Dad
(P.S. I just can’t imagine you in Disneyland. Looking forward to the photos, though!)
3Unbearable Lightness
May 8th, 2011 @ 8:54 am
I know it’s Mother’s Day, but Congratulations, Dad! She looks radiant and beautiful and a little bit like daddy! I guess that means no more Orlando shoots unless she stays in Florida!
4Dave Rudin
May 9th, 2011 @ 8:39 am
Congrats, DL.
As for Disney World, perhaps you’ll get lucky and what happened to me on my one visit there will happen to you: lightning hit a transformer during a thunderstorm and blew out half the power in the place. It was shut down for the rest of the day and all visitors had to leave.
5D.L. Wood
May 9th, 2011 @ 9:41 pm
Congratulations to Daughter, Dad and all the family that supported her throughout her time at school.
We also had a graduation on Sunday. My son-in-law graduated and now is on his way to medical school to become a doctor. The only thing is they will be so far away as the medical school is in Phoenix Arizona.
The only thing about going to Disney World with a little kid is you always seem to get stuck in those damn tea cups with ‘It’s a small small world” playing over and over. You just can’t get that song out of your head for several days. lol
D.L. Wood
6Claudia Hajian
May 9th, 2011 @ 11:11 pm
Congratulations Dave! Such a wonderful event for the entire family. Lovely photos!
May 11th, 2011 @ 10:49 pm
Congratulations!!! So happy for you all — and I hope Disney is/was better than you expect.
By the way, James has christened his grandpa as “Paw Paw”, too — must run in the family!
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