Upcoming Shows
August 31st, 2012
I’ve received word in the past few days that some of my work will be included in two upcoming shows.
The Dirty Show 13.5 is happening in Pontiac, Michigan September 21-23. This is a different time of year from the usual Dirty Shows that happen in February. They are doing an extra show in the fall this year. It’s also in a completely different location from past Dirty Shows, happening in Pontiac this time instead of Detroit. They chose two of my photos for this show:
I’m happy that they chose the Carhenge photo because I understand there is something of a history with the automobile in the Detroit area that might lead to interest in this photo. It’s also nice that the other photo is in the show because the two models who posed for it, Artistic Physique and Kelsey Dylan will be attending the show with me.
I also entered a juried show at the 1650 Gallery in Los Angeles. The theme of this show is water. They selected my all-time most popular photograph to include in the show:
The 1650 Gallery is located at 1650 Echo Park in Los Angeles. The show, “Splash: The Fluid World of Water,” opens next Saturday, September 8 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. You can view the show on line at this link. They don’t really allow us artists much time to get our work ready and shipped to them, but I should be able to get mine printed this weekend and in the mail on Tuesday. Doesn’t help that Monday’s a holiday. If you are in LA and able to go see this show I’d appreciate a review of the show and I’d like to hear your impressions of the gallery to help me decide if I’ll enter future shows there. I didn’t find out about the extremely tight window to deliver the work until after I was notified that my photo had been selected. I am particular about what shows I enter and things like too-tight deadlines that don’t really respect the work the artist has to do to get their work ready are factors I consider when I decide to enter a show or not.
But it looks like a good show. Check it out if you can.
One Response to “Upcoming Shows”
1Unbearable Lightness
September 2nd, 2012 @ 10:22 am
I love the work you will have in the water show. I’ll suggest to my LA friends that they check it out if they can.
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