Archives for the 'Starved Rock' Category
The End of a Great Day
Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014
I can’t remember a day of shooting that was more fun or more productive than the day when these photos and the ones on the earlier posts from this day were taken. It was an amazing day of shooting with a crew of great models. Kelsey wasn’t the only one to brave the waters to […]
A Walk In The Park
Monday, September 1st, 2014
Actually I should say, A Wade In The Park. That’s what we had to do to get to this great spot. It was a lot of effort, but it was worth it. I’m so lucky to work with such great models, like Kelsey Dylan, who are willing to go to the lengths needed to get […]
Oh That Light
Saturday, August 23rd, 2014
Ayn is the star of today’s post from Starved Rock. The light at this particular time and place in one of the canyons was just breathtaking. But it required some brave model to get into a difficult spot and be beautiful for the composition to work. Ayn volunteered for this difficult and dangerous assignment and, […]
Shadows and Reflections
Thursday, August 21st, 2014
Some more from the amazing shoot at Starved Rock. This time with models Ayn, Claudine and one who shall remain nameless. The many little caves and openings in the rock, combined with many little pools of water…and some large pools as well…that you find on a good day when there has been some recent rain, […]
The Wilds Of Illinois
Tuesday, August 19th, 2014
After the closing of my show at Gallery Provocateur in Chicago I had the immense good fortune to be able to go to Starved Rock State Park, not that far out of the city, to work with a bunch of wonderful models. Several of my favorite models, Ayn, Claudine and Kelsey, made the trip. There […]
Good Luck at Starved Rock
Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
As you know if you follow my blog, I’m about a year behind on editing and posting my photos. But today I’m making an exception. After the closing reception for my show at Gallery Provocateur in Chicago I went with some friends to Starved Rock State Park, southwest of the city. It’s one of the […]
Claudine at Starved Rock
Friday, July 30th, 2010
Here’s a shot of Claudine out at Starved Rock State Park, that I did a while back when I was up in Chicago. I shot this when I was up there for the opening of my show at Gallery Provocateur. That show has ended and I’ll be back in Chicago next week to pick up […]
Starved Rock
Friday, June 4th, 2010
I had today set aside to work with Claudine. She is a great model and a great person. I try to get together with her whenever I’m in Chicago. We’ve shot several times, including last weekend, of course. Today we looked at several options and decided to head down to Starved Rock State Park. This […]