Mystical Doorway
December 19th, 2006
I’m always looking for good locations for photographs, especially in the winter when I can only shoot outdoors on a rare occasion when the weather happens to coincide with a very brave model. This photo came about because a friend of a friend saw my work and said, “You really need to come and shoot in my house.” Her house was once a church, then an art gallery and then she and her husband bought it and made it their home. The wonderful painting was done by the owner of the art gallery. The light was quite wonderful that day.
This photo later became the theme photo for a one man show I had at a gallery called “The Mystical Doorway.” It seemed an obvious fit. That gallery, which was also a “New Age” type gift shop, became my best location for print sales for some time until the owner decided to close it and move on to a new phase in her life. I miss that shop and my occasional visits with the owner, who is a delightful woman.
So, this photo has many connections for me with a bunch of my favorite people, including, of course, the model, Charlye Raine, who appears in a number of my favorite photographs. My thanks to all the great people who made it possible for me to do this photo.
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